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Revision as of 08:38, 17 November 2023 by Zmeja (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Ashes of Phoenix offers a wide range of consumables - which will help (or hinder) your character to success. Knowledge of them is almost as important as the weapon you will be wielding and the armor you will wear. There are several type of "consumables". In the more common sense, there are a variety of drugs and healing items you can have your character consume. However, this is not all there is. Other types of consumables might allow for entirely new playstyles, like s...")
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Ashes of Phoenix offers a wide range of consumables - which will help (or hinder) your character to success. Knowledge of them is almost as important as the weapon you will be wielding and the armor you will wear.

There are several type of "consumables". In the more common sense, there are a variety of drugs and healing items you can have your character consume. However, this is not all there is. Other types of consumables might allow for entirely new playstyles, like stealth-boys in order to have your character stealth around. Or grenades, that are a secondary, or sometimes even primary weapon to be utilized. Backpacks, that allow you to carry more weight. Or a Defibrillator to be more efficient with reviving your teammates.


Drugs are split into Healing Drugs, as well as temporary buffs (With drawbacks), which are further categorized in Class A, Class B and Class C Drugs. A full list of drugs and their effects can be found here: Drugs

Stealth Boys

There are 3 different kind of Stealth Boys,,ich are available in the second Era, as well as a Camo Netting, which is a cheaper, but much worse alternative to the Recon Stealthboy, which is however available in the first Era of the Season. Stealth Boys (and the Camo Netting) allow the user to enter Sneak. Without those items, going into Stealth is completely impossible. Especially Era 2 Stealth Boys are comparatively rare and expensive - and thus hard to come by. Which forces Sneakers to play more carefully, only further underlined by their very low resistances and off-positioning from their team.


A very simple consumeable, that once used, will hide your name from enemies by "generalizing" it. This means, your name will be replaced with a more generic word, fitting to the faction you belong to. This will make it much harder for the enemy to call "assist" onto you, as you will most likely share a name with many of your teammates. (Only enemies of your faction will see this generalized name, your team-members will still be able to distinguish you. There is no real drawback on using this item)


Backpacks equipped in the Utility slot of your character will allow you to increase your Carry Weight. There is a Small Backpack available at Era 1, as well as a Heavy Backpack available at Era 2.


Grenades could arguably be put in the "Weapons" category, as they, in most cases, are used as such. They are however in a broader sense "consumables". As using a grenade will remove it from your inventory and "use" it up. Additionaly, apart from the generic "damaging" grenades like HE Grenades, Molotovs and Gas Grenades, there are also a few Utility grenades, like Smoke Grenades that will block Vision, or Gravity Grenades, which knock your enemies around. Unlike weapons, Grenades can also be used from the Utility Slot of your Character - however, without the Grenadier perk, you will have to re-equip a grenade each time you throw one.

Healing Utility

First Aid Kits

First Aid Kits are a deteriorating item, that will buff your First Aid usage, according to the unlocked Item Perks of the FA Kit.

Doctor Bags

Doctor Bags are a deteriorating item, that will buff your Doctor usage, according to the unlocked Item Perks of the Doctor Bag.