Basic Combat

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In order to fire your weapon, you need your cursor to be in attack-mode. In order to change your cursor to attack-mode, you just need to press . This will turn your cursor into attack-mode no matter what - and in case your cursor is already in attack-mode, it will stay that way. Otherwise, behaves a bit differently, in that it switches in-between Attack-mode and Use-mode back and forth. Once your cursor resembles a red crosshair, you can now aim your mouse over the target you wish to shoot and simply left-click. Under most circumstances, this will result in your character firing your weapon onto the enemy. However, there are a few things to keep in mind of.

  • In case you do not have enough Action Points, your character will queue up the attack command and will fire once he has enough AP.
  • In case of an empty magazine, your character will instead try to reload.
  • In case your enemy will disappear from your field of view OR go out your weapons maximum range during the Aim-time, you will not fire your weapon (and thus not lose any AP)
  • In case your enemy is ALREADY out of your weapons maximum range when issuing the attack-command, your character will try to run up to the enemy, until in range, to fire your weapon. (Due to how effective Range is calcualted, this will almost always result in 5% or less hit-chance and should be avoided)

There are other ways of firing most weapons. If your weapon features a Burst or Full-Auto mode, or shoots an explosive projectile like a rocket or a grenade, you can hold in order to aim at a specific Hex. If the projectile is a payload like a rocket, the rocket will try to hit the designated location with the hit-chance you have. This behaves as if you would fire at a person that would stand on this Hex. This is extremely important to utilize, as it allows you to either hit multiple targets, or hit moving targets, as the rocket has a flight-time - otherwise you would only be able to shoot at the spot the enemy would have been during the launch of the rocket. For Bursts and Full-Auto, this allows you to shoot and keep suppressing targets even outside your vision range (or if for example blocked by smoke), as well as try to hit more targets. The burst-cone (aka. the ability to hit multiple targets) is present no matter if you aim at a person directly, or ground-target. (Simulating recoil as well as general inaccuracy with bursts). However, ground-fire does give you the benefit of bypassing the aim-time you would have when issuing an attack-command on an enemy.


Weapons that are fired in single-shot mode usually have the ability to aim at a specific limb. This is done by switching the Aim-State of your character with keybinds. By default, will aim at specific body-parts. The current Aim can be viewed at the top-left of your screen. Firing at a specific limb will cost more Action Points, as well as take a longer time to aim your weapon and occur range-penalties. It does however come with various possible effects and increased damage to your target. More information can be found under Criticals


Reloading your weapon is as simple as pressing . Your character will then try to reload the last-used Ammo, however, if you want to load in different kinds of Ammunition then the one you currently use, (Hollow-Point vs Armor Piercing), then you have to open your Inventory and drag the desired Ammo onto the Weapon.


Depending on what you need, there are different ways to heal yourself. The most simplest things you can do without any resources, are First Aid ( on others) and Doctor ( on others). First Aid simply heals your Hit Points, while Doctor will heal any Bleed you have as well as healing Crippled limbs. Further down the line, you want to incorporate using Healing Drugs to your advantage, as they offer further Healing options for your character.


You may want to revive teammates after combat, or, if you have them sufficiently covered, during combat, so they can once again join the fight. Without any tools, you can simply use Doctor () on a dead body, in order to revive them with a 25% chance. Epinephrine is a good consumable to use once you have access to it, to make reviving people easier. If you play a Medic, or have resources to spare, you might want to use more advanced Consumables that can further boost your revive chance.