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Revision as of 12:16, 22 March 2024 by Zmeja (talk | contribs) (→‎Boosts)

Boosts are a mechanic utilized in teamplay. With a character leveling up Leadership and possible injecting Implants into their body, they can give out powerful boosts the whole team can benefit from. (Given they have the appropriate amount of Charisma on their characters.

In order to give out and benefit from boosts, players need to be inside of a Squad. The player giving out boosts, needs to be a rank above the players receiving the boosts. They may also be 2 ranks above the receiving players, as long as the players receiving the boosts have the Squad Leader as their parent, and not an office in-between. In other words, the receiving players always receive boosts from their assigned superior.

Benefiting from Boosts

In order to benefit from boosts, three criteria have to be met.

1) You need to be assigned to a player in a squad which gives out boosts.
2) You need to have at least 2 Charisma to benefit from boosts. With more Charisma allowing you to benefit more from it.
3) You need to be on the same map as the Leader. The leader may be dead - and you will still benefit from the boosts. However, the moment he respawns, he will not be on the map and thus you will lose your boosts.

Giving out Boosts

You may give out up to 3 Boosts at the same time, however, in order for you to do that you need at least 110 Leadership. Do take not, that a not maxed out Leadership value (200), will not give out the full effect of the boosts to your teammates. You are thus heavily advised to skill Leadership up to 200 if you want to give out the boosts full effects. Implanting your character will also be beneficial and preferred. As using an Implant for a Boost you have not yet implanted, will increase its strength by double the amount! So you should definitely gather up your teammates and farm some Implants for your Leader character.


Boosts and their Effects at 10 Charisma
Boost Name Effect
Sun Tzu +36 HP
Jiang Ziya +15 Healing Rate
+5 Limb Regeneration Chance
Sima Rangju +45 Armor Class
Wu Qi +30 Carry Weight
Wei Liao +15% Damage converted to Bleed
Zhang Liang +15% Critical Resistance
Li Jing +22% Critical Strength
Alexander the Great +22% Critical Perception
Chandragupta Maurya +22% Critical Endurance
Hannibal +22% Critical Agility
Qin Shi Huang -30% Chance to be Suppressed
Julius Caesar +30% Bleed Resistance
Zhuge Liang -30% severe Armor Bypass (onto you)
Khalid ibn al-Walid -1200ms shorter Knockouts (onto you)
Cyrus the Great +18 Sight Range
Alfred Thayer Mahan +7 Hex Sneak Detection
Genghis Khan +15% Critical Chance
Napoleon Bonaparte +18% Revival Chance
Clausewitz +30% more Bleed
Jomini +9% Hit Chance
Robert E. Lee +30% more Suppression
Ulysses S. Grant -15% AP for Reloads
William Tecumseh Sherman +75 AP per Kill
Helmuth von Moltke -30 Run Speed
Alfred von Schlieffen +2.2 AP+ per second
Hans Delbruck -15% AP for shooting
Winston Churchill +1200 Knockout duration
Guilio Douhet +22% better Armor Bypasses
Liddell Hart +15% more XP

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