Challenger Armor

From AoP Wiki
Challenger Armor
This suit of armor was crafted by the Grandmaster with whatever he could find. Despite being made from many parts of different low tech armors, there does not seem to be any weaknesses to it's design.
Damage Type Damage Threshold Damage Resistance
Normal 6 35%
Laser 7 45%
Fire 6 45%
Plasma 7 35%
Electric 7 30%
Explode 7 35%
Armor Class 25
ID: 4345 Weight: 9000g


Challenger Armor is a possible Armor your character can wear.

Armor Traits

Quick Recovery (Armor Trait) Recover 0.4 seconds faster from Knockouts, as well as 10% faster from Winded, Suppression and Disoriented effects.
Plated Gloves (Armor Trait) +2 Strength for the purposes of resisting Weapon Drop rolls.
+2 Endurance for the purposes of resisting Arm Cripple rolls.
+10% AP cost when reloading a weapon.
Confident (Armor Trait) +2 Charisma for the purposes of resisting Suppression rolls.
Bonus Rate of Fire (Armor Trait) Every attack costs 5% less Action Points to perform
Strong Back (Armor Trait) +25 Carry Weight
+Armor-weight to your Carry Weight


Date (DD.MM.YYYY) Change
Season 8

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