Combat Armor Mark II

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Combat Armor Mark II
A superior version of Combat Armor with many improvements over the standard version.
Damage Type Damage Threshold Damage Resistance
Normal 12 45%
Laser 9 60%
Fire 9 45%
Plasma 8 40%
Electric 6 25%
Explode 12 45%
Armor Class 5
ID: 381 Weight: 11500g


Combat Armor Mark II is a possible Armor your character can wear.

Armor Traits

Bulky (Armor Trait) -2 Agility for the purposes of AP+ Regeneration.
Harder to Heal (Armor Trait) -25 Hit Points when being healed by First Aid
Confident (Armor Trait) +2 Charisma for the purposes of resisting Suppression rolls.
Confident (Armor Trait) +2 Charisma for the purposes of resisting Suppression rolls.
Plated Gloves (Armor Trait) +2 Strength for the purposes of resisting Weapon Drop rolls.
+2 Endurance for the purposes of resisting Arm Cripple rolls.
+10% AP cost when reloading a weapon.
Strong Back (Armor Trait) +25 Carry Weight
+Armor-weight to your Carry Weight
Recipe 4x Steel
4x Leather
2x Fibers
14x Polymers
Craft Duration Instant
Engineering Req. 0%
Crafting Table Req. Workbench


Date (DD.MM.YYYY) Change
Season 8

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