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FK BRNO is a possible Weapon your character can equip.

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Weapon Traits
Double Tap AP+ Regeneration does not stop when shooting.
Moving Reload Reload weapon while moving.
Mozambique Drill +50% Critical Damage Bonus.
SkillWeapon Perks
150Ignore AC -33% of target's Armor Class
175Ignore AC -33% of target's Armor Class
200Slaughter Shot +20% critical damage
225Quick Scope -33% AP for Aimed Shots Penalty
250Slayer Up to +30% damage to low hp targets
Tier 9
Small Guns
This pistol uses a proprietary powerful and fast cartridge to produce a flat trajectory that allows easy hits and armor penetration even at intermediate ranges. The gun comes with a counterweight underneath the muzzle and is surprisingly soft-shooting for its power.
Strength Requirement 4
Clipsize 15
Reload AP Cost 20 AP
Weapon Aim Time 200 ms
Attack 1
Damage 35-45
Damagetype Normal
Rounds 1
AP Cost 15
Range 45
Fire Rate 400
Inaccuracy -25
Spread 0
One-Hex 0
ID: 19603
Weight: 1300g