Med-X (Drug)

From AoP Wiki
Recipe for 10 1x Chemicals
10x Broc Flower
Craft Duration Instant
Engineering Req. 0%
Crafting Table Req. Chemical Laboratory
Med-X (Drug)
Class Healing
AP Cost 80 AP


Med-X (Drug) is a possible Drug your character can take.


Med-X (Drug)
+100 HP
+80 Bleed

Important notes

If not all of the HP is applied to the target, due for example being close to maximum health, not all of the bleed is applied as well. So if Med-X only heals 75 HP for example, only 60 Bleed will be applied.

Med-X is especially useful from bringing people out of negative HP, so they can walk to safety, as it will give them a short-term HP boost, which will eventually bleed back into HP due to the bleed damage of this drug.