Metal Armor Mark III

From AoP Wiki
Metal Armor Mark III
Polished metal plates, finely crafted into an advanced suit of armor.
Damage Type Damage Threshold Damage Resistance
Normal 21 55%
Laser 12 75%
Fire 8 20%
Plasma 6 35%
Electric 6 20%
Explode 6 35%
Armor Class 0
ID: 610 Weight: 17875g


Metal Armor Mark III is a possible Armor your character can wear.

Armor Traits

Stone Wall (Armor Trait) +2 Strength for the purposes of resisting Knockout rolls.
Malus Rate of Fire (Armor Trait) Every attack costs 5% more Action Points to perform
Malus Rate of Fire (Armor Trait) Every attack costs 5% more Action Points to perform
Confident (Armor Trait) +2 Charisma for the purposes of resisting Suppression rolls.
Confident (Armor Trait) +2 Charisma for the purposes of resisting Suppression rolls.
Confident (Armor Trait) +2 Charisma for the purposes of resisting Suppression rolls.
Strong Back (Armor Trait) +25 Carry Weight
+Armor-weight to your Carry Weight
Recipe 5x High Grade Steel
15x Steel
10x Polymers
Craft Duration Instant
Engineering Req. 0%
Crafting Table Req. Workbench


Date (DD.MM.YYYY) Change
Season 8

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