Rad Rifle

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Rad Rifle is a possible Weapon your character can equip.

No Description set

Positive Negative

Here will be Positive things

Here will be Negative things

Special Notes

No Special Notes set

Weapon Traits
Decreased DR -40% to target's Damage Resistance
Decreased DT -40% to target's Damage Threshold
SkillWeapon Perks
150Bonus Damage +5% damage
175More Crits +10% to Base Critical Chance
200Hit The Gaps -10% Damage Resistance & -10% Damage Threshold
225Bonus Rate of Fire -5% AP cost for shooting
250Bonus Damage +5% damage
Tier 9
Energy Weapons
Rad Rifle RADRifle.png
Though its name says otherwise, this rifle does not actually irradiate its targets and just works as any plasma rifle does. The producers just thought the alliteration might help promotion of the weapon. Unfortunately, most people were afraid to expose themselves to the radiation this gun seemed to create so it done diddly not sell well and was only ever produced in small numbers.
Strength Requirement 6
Clipsize 6
Reload AP Cost 60 AP
Weapon Aim Time 400 ms
Attack 1
Damage 100-115
Damagetype Plasma
Rounds 1
AP Cost 50
Range 45
Fire Rate 1200
Inaccuracy 0
Spread 0
One-Hex 0
ID: 19691
Weight: 5500g