SIG MG 710

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SIG MG 710 is a possible Weapon your character can equip.

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Special Notes

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Weapon Traits
Suppression +5% chance per bullet to suppress.
Suppression +5% chance per bullet to suppress.
Assisted Reload You can be reloaded by another player.
SkillWeapon Perks
150Suppression More chance per bullet to suppress
175More Spread +2 Spread
200Bonus Ranged Damage +2 damage on each bullet
225Faster Reload -20% AP cost for reloading
250Bonus Rate of Fire -5% AP cost for shooting
Tier 7
Big Guns
SIG MG 710 SIG_MG_710.png
The Swiss started looking for a new GPMG in the middle of WWII and were borrowing heavily from the successfull MG42. After adopting the MG 51 themselves, the SIG MG 710 was developed and marketed for export in NATO caliber, but did not see many buyers, probably due its high quality and following pricetag.
Strength Requirement 6
Clipsize 50
Reload AP Cost 70 AP
Weapon Aim Time 400 ms
Attack 1
Damage 32-36
Damagetype Normal
Rounds 10
AP Cost 25
Range 65
Fire Rate 800
Inaccuracy 0
Spread 9
One-Hex 45
Attack 2
Damage 32-36
Damagetype Normal
Rounds 20
AP Cost 70
Range 65
Fire Rate 1200
Inaccuracy 0
Spread 15
One-Hex 30
ID: 19246
Weight: 9250g