Salvaged Power Armor

From AoP Wiki
Salvaged Power Armor
Power armor salvaged from the wasteland. Techs strip out the joint servos so you don't need special training to wear it. It feels like you're carrying a brahmin on your back, but it can take a heck of a lot of punishment.
Damage Type Damage Threshold Damage Resistance
Normal 30 65%
Laser 20 75%
Fire 20 60%
Plasma 15 65%
Electric 15 50%
Explode 25 65%
Armor Class 0
ID: 10400 Weight: 80000g


Salvaged Power Armor is a possible Armor your character can wear.

Armor Traits

Courageous (Armor Trait) Completely immune against Suppression rolls.
Harder to Heal (Armor Trait) -25 Hit Points when being healed by First Aid
Harder to Heal (Armor Trait) -25 Hit Points when being healed by First Aid
Tin Can (Armor Trait) -2 Perception for the purposes of Sight Range.
Malus Rate of Fire (Armor Trait) Every attack costs 5% more Action Points to perform
Malus Rate of Fire (Armor Trait) Every attack costs 5% more Action Points to perform
Power Armor (Armor Trait) -4 Agility for the purposes of AP+ Regeneration.
Be hit by twice the amount of bullets from bursts.
Lowers every Critical Roll on you by 4.
+4 Endurance for the purposes of calculating your Knockback resistance as well as AP Drain resistance.
Negative Damage Treshold penetration by ammunition does not apply to you.[Unsure]
Strong Back (Armor Trait) +25 Carry Weight
+Armor-weight to your Carry Weight
Recipe 25x Power Armor Fragments
Craft Duration Instant
Engineering Req. 0%
Crafting Table Req. None


Date (DD.MM.YYYY) Change
Season 8

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