
From AoP Wiki


Sledgehammer is a possible Weapon your character can equip.

No Description set

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Special Notes

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Weapon Traits
Knockback +20% chance to Knockback target.
Knockback +20% chance to Knockback target.
Knockback +20% chance to Knockback target.
Knockback +20% chance to Knockback target.
Knockback +20% chance to Knockback target.
SkillWeapon Perks
150Hit The Gaps -10% Damage Resistance & -10% Damage Threshold
175Bonus Rate of Fire -5% AP cost for shooting
200Hit The Gaps -10% Damage Resistance & -10% Damage Threshold
225Bonus Rate of Fire -5% AP cost for shooting
250Hit The Gaps -10% Damage Resistance & -10% Damage Threshold
Tier 7
Hand-to-Hand Combat
Sledgehammer sledge.png
A large hammer with big handle. Very popular with the muscular crowd.
Strength Requirement 6
Clipsize Error: no local variable "Weapon_MaxAmmoCount" has been set.
Reload AP Cost Error: no local variable "Weapon_ReloadAp" has been set. AP
Weapon Aim Time Error: no local variable "Weapon_AimTime" has been set. ms
Attack 1
Damage 120-140
Damagetype Normal
Rounds Error: no local variable "Weapon_Round_0" has been set.
AP Cost 50
Range 3
Fire Rate 1200
Inaccuracy 0
Spread 0
One-Hex 0
ID: 19315
Weight: 5000g