
From AoP Wiki
Revision as of 13:59, 9 February 2024 by Zmeja (talk | contribs)
  • You can open doors and immediately have your character step into the doorway by 'Lockpicking' the doors with the keybind: 2. This is especially useful to block enemies from passing through once you open it, or just for a more fluid movement across the battlefield.
  • The game has a positional sound system! Even if you can't see an enemy - him firing will give you a clue to his approximate position!
  • Loot your enemies as soon as possible! Should you get pushed back once more - if they get revived, they will only have their armor on them, with no weapon to shoot and no supplies to be helpful! Alas, don't get too greedy looting. Getting out of position can lead to a quick death!
  • When logging out, a character inside the zone will stay there. Meaning it could still be killed during your absence. Try to log out in safe zones.