
From AoP Wiki
Revision as of 20:47, 20 February 2025 by Zmeja (talk | contribs) (Created List of Weapons)

Weapons are one of the cornerstone items in Ashes of Phoenix. Almost nothing is as important as the choice of your weapon, as well as correct usage of such. In most cases, the weapon entirely dictates the play style you will follow.

All weapons are categorized as in one of the 5 Weapon Skills, them being Small Guns, Big Guns, Energy Weapons, Melee as well as Throwing. Exceptions to this rule are spears. Which depending on the firemode chosen, can either be used as a melee weapon, or a throwing weapon. In Season 8, there are niche uses of the Throwing skill in order to deploy throwable traps, namely Caltrops.

Projectile Weapons

Most weapons shoot some type of projectile. In most cases a bullet, though there are weapons that shoot explosive rockets. Beams of Laser or Plasma. Or even more exotic stuff like needles.

These type of weapons have a magazine, that upon being emptied, has to be reloaded. Weapons might only be able to be fired in single-shot mode, some in full-auto and some both. Projectile weapons that mimic a bullet and be fired in Single-shot mode, usually can be Aimed with, while projectiles that mimic an explosive charge, like rockets, can be aimed at a specific Tile on the battlefield. Many weapons that feature a Burst mode can be aimed on both a character, as well as onto an area.

Bullets, Beams and Needles

These type of ammunition will almost always result in "direct" damage in the sense of being applied to various characters. (Bleed damage is considered direct damage, in this sense). This mechanic is pretty straight-forward.


Payloads usually consist of rockets, or grenades that are shot from a barrel, like 40mm Grenades. They are fired onto a tile and usually explode on impact to deliver their effect in a radius. In case of HE grenades, this will be damage. However, Smoke Grenades and Fire Grenades exist as well.


Napalm behaves a little bit like a payload, in that you fire it onto a tile - however, it quickly expands, filling the area with fire. As long as a character stands in fire, it will receive damage - until he moves out, or until the fire dissipates.

Melee Weapons

Most Melee weapons are considered direct-hit weapons. They do not fire a bullet or any other kind of projectile to the enemy, and thus do not require to be reloaded. (Some battery-powered Melee Weapons do exist however). In order to use a Melee weapon, they will always require a target, as well as being sufficiently close to said target. In case a Melee weapon has a reach of 2 or 3 tiles - distance does not actually matter on the chance to hit the target. All other forms of Hit-Chance manipulation still apply however. Including the enemies Armor Class, as well as being under the effect of certain debuffs for example.

Thrown Weapons

Thrown weapons behave similarly to Projectile Weapons that fire a payload, like rockets. You throw them onto a specific Hex on the ground - in which they either shatter immediately (like Molotovs), or in most cases, stay on the ground until the Fuze Timer runs out and causes the grenade to explode. The explosion does not always result in damage, as a Smoke Grenade could generate Smoke, while a Gas Grenade expand a poisonous gas. Spears are also thrown weapons, that have no fuze like grenades, and instead apply their damage as if used in a Melee attack.

Tier Type Name Picture
1 Small Guns Pepperbox pepperbox.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
1 Small Guns Heavy Dragoon Pistol heavydrag.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
1 Small Guns Blunderbuss blunderbuss.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
1 Small Guns Carbine carbine.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
1 Small Guns Girandoni Air Rifle girandoni.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
1 Small Guns Musket musket2.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
1 Big Guns Wall Gun wallgun4.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
1 Big Guns Nock Gun nockgun.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
1 Big Guns Mitrailleuse mitrailleuse.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
1 Big Guns Hand Mortar handmortar.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
1 Hand-to-Hand Combat Brass Knuckles brsnuck.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
1 Hand-to-Hand Combat Knife bowieknife.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
1 Hand-to-Hand Combat Primitive Tool Primitive.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
1 Hand-to-Hand Combat Spear spear.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
1 Throwing Powderbag powderbag.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
1 Throwing Iron Grenade ballgrenade.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
1 Throwing Molotov Cocktail mola.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
2 Small Guns Colt Single Action Army coltsaa.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
2 Small Guns Colt Army M1860 model1860.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
2 Small Guns Volcanic Pistol volcanic.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
2 Small Guns Sawed-Off Shotgun shotgun6.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
2 Small Guns Coach Gun coachgun.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
2 Small Guns Colt M1839 Carbine coltm1839.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
2 Small Guns Porter Turret Rifle porter.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
2 Small Guns 1861 Springfield Rifle springfield1861.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
2 Small Guns Whitworth Rifle whitworth.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
2 Big Guns Gardner Gun gardner.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
2 Big Guns Hale Rocket Launcher Hale_rocket_launcher.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
2 Hand-to-Hand Combat Spiked Knuckles brsknkls.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
2 Hand-to-Hand Combat Club club.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
2 Hand-to-Hand Combat Sharpened Spear spear2.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
2 Throwing Ketchum Grenade ketchum.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
2 Throwing Chinese Bomb smokebag.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
3 Small Guns Luger P08 lugerp08.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
3 Small Guns Webley Mk.VI webleymk6.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
3 Small Guns 1895 Nagant Revolver nagant.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
3 Small Guns Triplebarrel Shotgun triplebarrel.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
3 Small Guns Hunting Shotgun Hunting_Shotgun.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
3 Small Guns 1855 Revolving Shotgun colt1855.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
3 Small Guns Spencer Carbine spencer.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
3 Small Guns Treeby Chain Gun treeby_chain_gun.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
3 Small Guns 1873 Trapdoor Springfield trapdoorspringfield.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
3 Big Guns Maxim Gun maxim.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
3 Big Guns Homemade Flamethrower homemade_flamethrower.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
3 Hand-to-Hand Combat Punch Dagger punchdagger.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
3 Hand-to-Hand Combat Combat Knife knife3.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
3 Hand-to-Hand Combat Louisville Slugger slugger.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
3 Hand-to-Hand Combat Serrated Spear serrated_spear.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
3 Throwing No. 5 Mk II Grenade mk2grenade.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
4 Small Guns Colt M1911 Colt1911.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
4 Small Guns S&W .44 Hand Ejector swtriplelock.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
4 Small Guns Bergmann MP18 mp18.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
4 Small Guns 1887 Lever Action Shotgun 1887leveraction.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
4 Small Guns Farquhar-Hill Rifle farquhar_hill.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
4 Small Guns 1894 Trapper win1894.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
4 Small Guns SMLE Mk. III SMLEmk3.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
4 Small Guns Lewis Gun lewis.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
4 Small Guns Chauchat chauchats.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
4 Small Guns Madsen LMG madsen.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
4 Big Guns Mauser 1918 T-Gewehr mauser1918.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
4 Big Guns Bergmann MG-15nA bergmannmg15.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
4 Big Guns MG08/15 mg0815.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
4 Big Guns Type 3 HMG type3hmg.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
4 Big Guns HAG WEX17 wex17.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
Error HAG WEX17 Fuel Tank wex17_tank.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
4 Big Guns Kleif M.1915 kleif.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
Error Kleif M.1915 Fuel Tank kleif_tank.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
4 Big Guns Blanch-Chevailler blanche_chevallier.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
4 Big Guns Goddard Rocket Launcher goddard_rocket_launcher.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
4 Hand-to-Hand Combat Razorclaws razorclaws.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
4 Hand-to-Hand Combat Crowbar crowbar.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
4 Hand-to-Hand Combat Festering Spear festering_spear.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
4 Throwing Stielhandgranate 24 stielhandgranate.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
4 Throwing MK.II Gas Grenade mk2gas.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
5 Small Guns Tokarev TT-33 tt-33.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
5 Small Guns S&W M29 Revolver magnum2.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
5 Small Guns Walther PPK walther_ppk.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
5 Small Guns Sturmpistole Sturmpistole.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
5 Small Guns PPSH-41 PPSh-41.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
5 Small Guns Sten sten.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
5 Small Guns Suomi KP/-31 kp31.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
5 Small Guns M1897 Trench Gun m1897trenchgun.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
5 Small Guns StG 44 STG44.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
5 Small Guns M2 Carbine m2carbine.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
5 Small Guns AVS-36 avs_36.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
5 Small Guns Stendebach M1936 stendebach_m1936.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
5 Small Guns SVT-38 svt38.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
5 Small Guns Fedorov Avtomat fedorov.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
5 Small Guns Winchester Model 1895 winchester1895.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
5 Small Guns M81 Special Police special_police.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
5 Small Guns Karabiner 98k kar98k.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
5 Small Guns Mosin Nagant nugget.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
5 Small Guns DP-28 dpm.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
5 Small Guns Kg m/40 Automatic Rifle kg_m40.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
5 Small Guns Praha I-23 praha_I_23.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
5 Small Guns LS/26 lsm26.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
5 Big Guns PanzerbГјchse 39 pzb39.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
5 Big Guns Maxim-Tokarev maximtokarev.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
5 Big Guns SGM sgm.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
5 Big Guns M2 Flamethrower M2flamethrower.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
Error M2 Flamethrower Fuel Tank M2flamethrower_tank.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
5 Big Guns Sturmkampfgewehr Sturmkampfgewehr.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
5 Big Guns GranatbГјchse 39 grb39.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
5 Big Guns Faustpatrone faustpatrone30.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
5 Hand-to-Hand Combat Sappers sappers.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
5 Hand-to-Hand Combat Machete machete1.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
5 Hand-to-Hand Combat Finka finka.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
5 Hand-to-Hand Combat Axe axe1.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
5 Hand-to-Hand Combat Snake Spear snake_spear.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
5 Throwing StiGr 24 (Splitterring) splitterring.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
5 Throwing Smoke Bomb smoke_bomb.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
5 Throwing Rajamaki Molotov Rajamaki_molotov.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
5 Big Guns Ampulomet ampulomet.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
6 Small Guns S&W M29 Speedload 44mspeed.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
6 Small Guns Zastava M57 zastavaM57.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
6 Small Guns Uzi uzi.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
6 Small Guns Silenced Uzi uzi_silenced.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
6 Small Guns M1912 Trench Gun model1912trench.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
6 Small Guns AK-47 ak47.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
6 Small Guns SKS sks.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
6 Small Guns FG 42 fg42.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
6 Small Guns M1 Garand m1garand.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
6 Small Guns SVT-40 Scoped svt40_scoped.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
6 Small Guns Kar98 Scoped kar98kscoped.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
6 Small Guns Mosin-Nagant Scoped mosin_scoped.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
6 Small Guns BAR BAR.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
6 Small Guns Bren Gun bren.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
6 Small Guns RPD rpd.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
6 Big Guns PTRD-41 ptrd1.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
6 Big Guns Lahti L-39 lahti.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
6 Big Guns MG34 mg34.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
6 Big Guns Stinger Stinger.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
6 Big Guns MG 42 MG42.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
6 Big Guns L-41 Sampo l41_sampo.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
6 Big Guns Browning M1919A4 denel_mg4.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
6 Big Guns Flamer flamethr.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
6 Big Guns M20 "Super Bazooka" m20bazooka.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
6 Big Guns M18 Recoilless Rifle M18RR.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
6 Hand-to-Hand Combat Glove Gun SedgleyGloveGun.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
6 Hand-to-Hand Combat Diamond Spear diamondspear.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
6 Hand-to-Hand Combat Cattle Prod cprod3.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
6 Throwing Geballte Ladung geballte_ladung.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
6 Throwing Incendiary Grenade grenade_incendiary.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
6 Throwing Smoke Grenade grenade_smoke.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
7 Small Guns Desert Eagle .357 magnum.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
7 Small Guns Mateba Unica mateba_unica6.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
7 Small Guns Wildey Survivor wildey_survivor.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
7 Small Guns H&K MP5A2 mp5a2.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
7 Small Guns H&K MP5SD mp5sd.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
7 Small Guns American-180 american180.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
7 Small Guns Remington M870 Rem870M.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
7 Small Guns Remington M1100 model1100.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
7 Small Guns Remington M7188 Remington7188.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
7 Small Guns M16A2 M16.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
7 Small Guns Galil SAR galil.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
7 Small Guns M14 m14.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
7 Small Guns M1C m1c.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
7 Small Guns Remington 700 remington700.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
7 Small Guns Silent Sniper silentsniper.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
7 Small Guns RPK RPK.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
7 Small Guns M1941 Johnson LMG johnsonlmg.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
7 Small Guns KvKK-62 kvkk_62.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
7 Big Guns M60 m60.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
7 Big Guns SIG MG 710 SIG_MG_710.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
7 Big Guns XM214 Microgun microgun.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
7 Big Guns LPO-50 lpo_50.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
Error LPO-50 Fuel Tank lpo_50_tank.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
7 Big Guns M79 m79.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
7 Big Guns M72 LAW m72law.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
7 Energy Weapons AO/PQQ-9 SOFLAM asd2.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
7 Hand-to-Hand Combat Punch Gun punch_gun.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
7 Hand-to-Hand Combat Chainsaw Knife chainsaw_knife.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
7 Hand-to-Hand Combat Sledgehammer sledge.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
7 Hand-to-Hand Combat Dynamite Spear dynamite_spear.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
7 Throwing Mustard-Gas Grenade mustard_grenade.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
7 Throwing Stun Grenade grenade_stun.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
7 Big Guns XM174 Grenade Launcher xm174.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
8 Small Guns Automag III AutomagIII.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
8 Small Guns Thunder 5 thunder5.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
8 Small Guns Grenade Pistol grenade_pistol.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
8 Small Guns USP-S USP_S.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
8 Small Guns PP-19 Bizon pp19.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
8 Small Guns PP-19 Silenced pp19silenced.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
8 Small Guns Franchi SPAS-12 franchispas.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
8 Small Guns AK-74M AK74M.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
8 Small Guns Stoner 63 stoner63.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
Small Guns TKb-059 triplememe.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
8 Small Guns H&K G3A3 g3a3.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
8 Small Guns FN FAL fnfal30.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
8 Small Guns Dragunov SVD dragunovsvd.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
8 Small Guns L96A1 l96a1.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
8 Small Guns RPK-74M rpk74M.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
8 Small Guns Stoner 63 LMG StonerLMG.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
8 Small Guns HK11E HK11E.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
8 Big Guns DSR50 dsr50.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
8 Big Guns UKM-2000P UKM-2000P.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
8 Big Guns Minigun minigun.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
8 Big Guns Improved Flamer iflameth.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
8 Big Guns China Lake Grenade Launcher ChinaLake.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
8 Big Guns RPG-7V1 rpg7.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
8 Big Guns RPO-A Shmel rpo_shmel.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
8 Energy Weapons Gravitron gravitron.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
8 Energy Weapons Laser Pistol lasergun.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
8 Energy Weapons Plasma Pistol glock.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
8 Energy Weapons Laser Rifle lrifle.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
8 Energy Weapons Sonic Rifle SonicGunSmall.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
8 Energy Weapons Sonic Cannon soniccannon.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
8 Hand-to-Hand Combat Impact Gloves impact_gloves.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
8 Hand-to-Hand Combat Wakizashi Blade wknife.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
8 Hand-to-Hand Combat Microsledge microsledge.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
8 Hand-to-Hand Combat Piston Spear piston_spear.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
8 Throwing Grenade (Frag) grenadeo.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
8 Throwing Grenade (Plasma) grenadep.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
8 Throwing Gravitron Disc spinfusor_inv.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
8 Big Guns AGS-30 ags30.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
9 Small Guns Desert Eagle .50 AE deagle50.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
9 Small Guns S&W Model 500 swmodel500.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
9 Small Guns Needler Pistol needler.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
9 Small Guns FK BRNO FK_BRNO.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
9 Small Guns Skorpion Evo 3 skorpion_evo3.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
9 Small Guns Skorpion Silenced evo3silenced.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
9 Small Guns Combat Shotgun assshot.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
9 Small Guns Pancor Jackhammer jackhamr.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
9 Small Guns DP-12 dp-12.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
9 Small Guns AEK-971 AEK971.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
9 Small Guns SG-552 sg552.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
Small Guns AN-94 Special Weapon AN94.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
Small Guns AEK-971 AEK971.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
9 Small Guns FN Scar-H scarh.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
9 Small Guns SVU-A svu-a.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
9 Small Guns AX338 ax338.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
9 Small Guns M249 SAW m249saw.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
9 Small Guns Knights LAMG stonerLAMG.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
9 Big Guns AS50 as50.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
9 Big Guns M240 m240.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
Big Guns M240 m240.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
9 Big Guns PKS PK-PKM.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
9 Big Guns Avenger Minigun aminigun.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
9 Big Guns Incinerator FlamerN.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
9 Big Guns Milkor MGLS M32MGLS.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
9 Big Guns Norinco LG5 Norinco_LG5.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
9 Big Guns Rocket Launcher rlaunch.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
9 Big Guns M202 Flash m202a.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
9 Energy Weapons Plasma Pistol (Ext. Cap.) plaspst2.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
9 Energy Weapons YK32 Pulse Pistol pulsepst.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
9 Energy Weapons Solar Scorcher solarscr.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
9 Energy Weapons Magneto-Laser Pistol mlaspist.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
9 Energy Weapons Rad SMG RADPistol.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
9 Energy Weapons Electro SMG DAMPistol.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
9 Energy Weapons Laser Rifle (Ext. Cap.) lrifle2.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
9 Energy Weapons Plasma Rifle plasma.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
9 Energy Weapons Rad Rifle RADRifle.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
9 Energy Weapons Electro Rifle DAMRifle.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
9 Energy Weapons Experiment 1 heheboimk2.PNG {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
9 Energy Weapons Plasma Caster penistickler.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
9 Energy Weapons Gatling Laser minilazr.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
9 Energy Weapons Plasma Cannon PlasmaCannon.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
9 Energy Weapons Particle Accelerator halorocketlauncher.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
9 Hand-to-Hand Combat Power Fist mpwrfist.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
9 Hand-to-Hand Combat Ripper vblade.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
9 Hand-to-Hand Combat Super Cattle Prod catprod2.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
9 Hand-to-Hand Combat Super Sledge ssledge2.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
9 Hand-to-Hand Combat Plasma Spear RADspear.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
9 Throwing Concussion Grenade grenade_concussion.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
9 Throwing Grenade (Pulse) grenadeq.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
10 Small Guns PPK12 Gauss Pistol gaussptl.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
Small Guns FN P90 fnp90.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
Small Guns H&K CAWS hkcaws.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
10 Small Guns H&K G11e hkg11e.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
Small Guns SIG MCX Spear sig_mcx_spear.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
Small Guns SVDK svdk.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
Small Guns [[]] zsvdk2.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
10 Small Guns M72 Gauss Rifle m72gauss.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
Small Guns NEGEV NG7 negev_ng7.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
10 Big Guns Bozar bozar.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
10 Big Guns Vindicator Minigun vminigun.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
Energy Weapons Alien Blaster ufogun.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
Energy Weapons YK42B Pulse Rifle pulserif.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
Energy Weapons Turbo Plasma Rifle plas2.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}
Hand-to-Hand Combat Proton Axe ProtonAxe.png {{{Weapon_MinStrength}}} Error {{{Weapon_MaxDist_0}}} {{{Weapon_MaxDist_1}}}

Pages in category "Weapons"

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